Sunday, July 31, 2016

The End Of Teflon Deceptions

There is an abundance of conflicting opinion coming from a wide variety of sources regarding the critical issues facing our nation. Listening to this noisy crowd can become a dizzying experience. Some are beginning to wonder who they can trust as a reliable source in the current news cycle of American politics.

While contemplating this dilemma in prayer, the Lord said, “This is a moment in your history when some in the political sphere will lose their Teflon-like ability to deflect truth by having it slide away with carefully crafted explanations and deflections. These surfaces have worn thin. Truth is about to stick to these worn surfaces revealing the motives of the heart. This will shake the false confidence many in my Church have placed in these man-made systems.”

“While this sticking is taking place do not delight in what transpires, but become humble in your heart realizing this same deception can exist in you. I will cause truth to stick to lives that feel immune and beyond the reach of my integrity. No longer will people be able to use a political spirit to manipulate and deflect righteous confrontation.  Truth is about to stick to the political pans that have been used to cook appealing meals of deception.”

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