Thursday, November 3, 2016

Your Extra Inning Has Arrived

As I was reading through all the morning after comments about the Chicago Cubs win during an extra inning at the World Series, I could not help but think the win represents what God is about to do in some of your lives. When all the superstition and disappointment has had its say, an extra will miraculously appear to give you an opportunity to change the course of your personal history and silence your detractors.

Some of you have been in a long battle. It took the Cubs 108 years to win the World Series. It feels like that for those of you who have faced challenging issues in your life and on top of that, you have tried to righteously deal with the comments of other people as to why "it" hasn't happened for you.  You know you had the talent and the resources, but the opportunity for victory has continued to elude you.

Things are about to change. God is releasing an unexpected extra inning where your victory is waiting.  You need to stay in the game and keep playing, fully engaged in faith.  You have kept your game face on through it all. God is about to reward your faithfulness. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this post. As soon as I read it I realised that in Australia where I live the Cronulla Sharks won their first ever premiership title (NRL) after 49 years of trying.

    I also feel I am overdue for a major win after many years of standing believing hoping, crying, brushing off going again but still standing. :-)
