Monday, November 28, 2016

Praying for January 20, 2017

I have been asking God to show me the spiritual aspect of what has taken place during the election cycle of 2016. It is clear to all that our nation is in the throes of painful and hurtful expressions of separation, disconnection, abandonment, anger and sorrow akin to an ugly divorce.

We all have beliefs and personal opinions - the good, the bad, and in some cases, the ugly—as to why a national divorce has taken place. Millions of people also know that God’s love, truth, justice, and mercy contain the only power able to draw us out from our positions of separation and entrenchment. As a Father, God gives identity and destiny to every son and daughter from every race and tribe. This is one essence of what it means to experience on Earth what is the reality of Heaven. God is able to use imperfect people as the place where He will manifest that heavenly essence if we are at least willing to participate in the healing process with honor and dignity.

I have been pondering this thought; Donald Trump is like a father who has married into a divorced family. He has shown with his own children that he has the heart of a father. His love for his natural family could be the model God will use to help President-elect Trump lead our nation. To some that seems impossible, but with God, all things are possible.

I am praying for this possibility to become a reality as our next President chooses to embrace and affirm each member of our divorced national family. I am also praying that he will grow in the wisdom needed to implement the change required to ensure the future health of our nation. If a father’s heart becomes the guiding principle for the administration of Donald Trump we could have a presidency that will astound the historians. To that end, I invite the Church to pray.

“Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity.” I Timothy 2:2

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