Sunday, September 4, 2016

Hung Out To Dry

You made a righteous decision and instead of being honored you were hung out to dry. All of a sudden you find yourself in a place of relational isolation. The outcome of this situation looks like someone attached a clothes hanger to your shoulders and hung you on an outdoor clothesline reserved for outcasts.

Because you came to realize the group no longer had anything you desired, at that point, you were redefined as a threat and became dangerous to the unhealthy spirit of control exerted by the leaders. You became a threat because you could no longer be owned and controlled.

You have actually been set free. At this point, it doesn’t feel like freedom because it still hurts, but that will soon change. It is time to start thanking God for what happened. You are no longer living under the control of those who rejected you, but make sure to check the condition of your heart. Your future depends on keeping your heart free from paybacks and revenge. Forgive those who rejected you and as far as it is possible, be at peace with all people. 

Shake yourself loose from your hanger assignment and fall into a place of freedom.  Look up at the other people still hanging on the clothesline that were also tossed out and now hang in motionless disappointment and sorrow. Start pulling them down with words of hope and the possibility of a new start. These are the ones God will use to join with you to help you accomplish the vision you carried that was rejected and caused you and the others to be hung out to dry. This is a good day!

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