Saturday, September 17, 2016

Follow the Nudge

If someone were to ask me why Jan and I are walking in a place of convergence and blessing at this point in our lives, I would say we have tried to follow each nudge of God’s Spirit for the last 43 years. Those nudges were not always really clear forms of direction. Many times they were so subtle we almost missed them. They were the quiet and small voice kind of impressions we had to test in faith and obedience by taking a first step.

Those nudges felt like the gentle bump from a friend who was standing behind you in line who bumped you with a smile on their face to remind you to keep moving forward. They are the feelings, impressions and the in-the-pit-of-your-stomach sense that God is speaking. 

Your unfulfilled destiny may be the result of untested nudges that lay dormant in places of fear.  It would be sad to get to the end of your days having allowed fear to keep you from exploring the next nudge of the Spirit. 

In your life there will be unique nudges assigned to open unseen doors that will lead you to a life infinitely more blessed than you could ever have imagined. This is why you need to follow the next nudge to see where it leads. A door is waiting to open.

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