Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Listening for the Sound of God's Timer

In the last few days, we have set a lot of timers in our home. Timers were set to bake pies. I set one to check the Christmas prime rib smoking on our Traeger barbeque. A timer was set for the rising dough for Jan’s crazy-good holiday cinnamon rolls. Our house was a beeping holiday chorus of goodness.

This morning, the Lord impressed upon me that He has set timers for some of your lives. These are not timers to bake pies or smoke a prime rib. They are timers signaling the miraculous intervention of God in your life. You had no idea these timers were in place and set to go off at this moment in time.

In 2018 some of you will hear timers signaling the end of a toxic season in your marriage. Those afflicted with a health challenge will hear the sound of God's timer indicating the healing of a dangerous disease. Timers have been set to announce the restoration of broken friendships. Timers will go off letting parents know that a prodigal child has come to their senses and begun their journey home. Dream timers will sound announcing the time of fulfillment has come. 

Some of the timers about to go off were set in ages past before you left your mother’s womb. They are timers that will signal life-transforming and culture-shifting events you never thought possible. Exchange your list of New Year's resolutions for a sense of expectancy. Expectancy in God’s goodness prepares you to hear the sound of an approaching promise. Expect good and great things from God in the coming year. The timers in your life are beginning to sound!

1 comment:

  1. I agree because just last night while I was jogging The Lord said, "It is time." This is in reference to the first step He wants me to go for the new year, a great big dramatic change. Oh, but I have been expecting it!
