Monday, October 12, 2015

The Accusing Season

We have entered a season of increased accusation. The devil is nervous and he is increasing the intensity of his primary ministry – accusing the saints of God. This is nothing new. The devil has done this throughout history when he sees situations taking place in individual lives and culture that indicate a fresh move of God is about to take place. He brings these accusations in an attempt to convince you to move away from your calling and destiny by focusing on your brokenness instead of God’s goodness.

The Greek word used to describe the devil is a word from which we get our English word, “diabolical”.  The word “devil” has two parts.  This first part of the word means “through”. The second half is “to throw”. The devil is a person who throws his lies through the portal of accusation.  These accusations have no real target because your sin is no longer present before the eyes of God. Your sin is covered by the blood of Jesus Christ. The only target the devil has for his accusation is our disbelief.

I want to suggest another response when you begin to hear the accusations of hell.  When you hear them begin to dance with joy because these hellish accusations are one of the greatest indicators God is about to release something fresh and new in your life. Joy and the expectancy of God’s goodness is a target hell is unable to hit.

“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” (John 8:36)

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