Thursday, October 29, 2015

Stepping Into Something New

This morning in prayer, I saw the image of a person stepping off a curb. The picture was a freeze-frame image that captured the person mid-stride with one foot still on the sidewalk and the other foot in the air extended outward ready to step down onto the roadway.  The Lord said, “I am changing the location of their next step. They stepped out expecting to land on the same familiar street, but I have I brought a new place for their foot to land. It will appear unexpectedly under their feet once the image restarts.  They have always thought I would require them to get to the next place in their journey one predictable step after another.  I am about to interrupt their slavery to natural thinking.  When I restart the image they will step into something new and unexpected.”

Some of you have always thought what came your way in life would be the result of being in the right place at the right time.  This is a limited form of natural thinking.  You don’t need God to live that way – you only need to plan and strategize with the natural abilities every human possesses.  This is a word for you to begin believing for something only God can do.  You cannot make plans for what is about to take place. It will happen suddenly and without your planning.

Recently, I have been hearing the word “beyond”. God is releasing events, interventions and solutions that will take place beyond our wildest imagination. When Paul wrote his letter to the Ephesians he said God was able “to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think”. These “beyond” works - the infinitely more works of God - will appear unexpectedly under our feet because even in our wildest dreams we could never imagine their possibility.

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