Wednesday, February 26, 2020

A Time of Interpretation

This morning, I sensed the Lord saying that unusual and unexpected interpretations of private prayer in the Spirit are coming. These interpretations are similar to an understanding that occurs when a tongue is offered in a public assembly followed by an interpretation, but this particular manifestation will come from private prayer. 

For over 40 years, praying in the Spirit has been a significant part of my prayer life. I do have prayer lists of things I pray in my known language, but it is prayer in tongues that has occupied more and more of my prayer time. I remember as a young believer reading Paul’s words in I Corinthians 14, where he said, “I thank God that I speak in tongues more than any of you” (v. 18). He also placed a high priority on the gift, “I wish you could all speak in tongues” (v 5). I took Paul’s words and the example of his prayer life seriously.

If you are one who utilizes this power gift of prayer, expect there to come insight into areas of life and culture that will arrive not because of your experience or education, but because the Spirit found someone through whom Heaven could pray Spirit-inspired solutions into this world. God is increasing the tempo of these interpretations that will reveal His plan for individuals and culture. In some cases, the interpretations we receive today will come from prayers offered in decades past when our Spirit, not our mind, was engaged in prayer.

1 comment:

  1. As a bus driver I pray in tongues for years. A lot! Thank you for this post.
