About 30 years ago, I was escorted through the West Wing of the White House. A friend of mine who knew one of President George H. W. Bush’s correspondent secretaries arranged for us to get an after-hours guided tour. During the tour, we came to the Oval Office. The secretary opened the door to the office and uttered the words, “Don’t step across the threshold. That requires a Presidential invitation.” We went on from there to visit the press briefing room for an obligatory photograph standing behind the podium in a sport coat and tie. I sent the photo to my mom. She framed it and hung it on a wall in her home, fully convinced her son was in the big leagues.
Standing on the threshold of the Oval Office and peering inside was a very unique experience. Just a few steps from where I stood the most powerful human being in earthly civil government made decisions that carried global ramifications. When my friend and I left the White House and drove on to our hotel in Maryland, I pondered what I had just experienced.
If you are a believer, there are no restrictive thresholds to power. God has opened up the way into Heaven’s version of the supreme spiritual Oval Office where God sits enthroned with Jesus Christ at His right hand. Seated in Christ is each redeemed person. The only prohibiting thresholds are lies crafted by hell to keep us thinking we are an unloved outcast or the restrictions created by a religious spirit offering us a weakened, performance-based version of faith or our own unredeemed thinking that inspires us to live like slaves, not sons and daughters of God.
Today, if you have believed a hellish lie about your identity, have been restrained by a religious spirit or assumed an opinion about yourself that is less than a loved child of God, please read the following Scripture. Read it out loud. Hell needs to hear you speak it. The religious spirit restraining your Kingdom potential needs to hear it. But most of all, you need to hear it. When the Word of God is read out loud, it reverberates throughout all of creation. It disempowers the lies we believe, and its truth readjusts our thinking.
In our relationship with God, there are no longer any thresholds - none! Now read the Scripture below and step across the threshold.
“And so, dear brothers and sisters, we can boldly enter heaven’s Most Holy Place because of the blood of Jesus. By his death, Jesus opened a new and life-giving way through the curtain into the Most Holy Place. And since we have a great High Priest who rules over God’s house, let us go right into the presence of God with sincere hearts fully trusting him. For our guilty consciences have been sprinkled with Christ’s blood to make us clean, and our bodies have been washed with pure water”(Hebrews 10: 19-22).