Friday, December 18, 2015

Speaking Words of Hope to a Fearful Culture

When we take a position on any social or spiritual issue and defend our position with an anger-filled discourse of fear we will begin to separate our selves from the very people God has called us to love without condition. Unchallenged this angry fruit of fear will disempower our voice as cultural change agents. We are in a moment of history where we need to rediscover the simplicity of the Gospel and return to its message of hope.

Our culture has arrived at an angry and violent intersection of unresolved fear. This has taken place because a message of hope seemed too simplistic for many in the Church and has been abandoned. Some have replaced the message of hope with solutions similar to the ones offered by an unredeemed culture. This is about to change. A revival of hope is coming. The works of God are about to be displayed in overwhelming measure in those places where hope has cleared away the debris of fear and revealed a new way forward.

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