Saturday, August 8, 2015

Prophetic Principles – Prophesying Hope To The Next Generation

Each generation will have prophetic words spoken over them from the fathers and mothers of faith who represent a previous generation. Jan and I have had those kinds of words spoken over us by people like Dick Mills and Jean Darnall and others with a similar heart.  They spoke hope-filled words about our future while our future was still a distant and unexplored place. When challenging times crossed our path we revisited those words to find our way forward. 

When Jan and I began our ministry, now almost four decades ago, we were walking into the uncharted landscape of our future.  There were times when we wanted to give up and times where we missed the mark. Along the way we discovered two things were always waiting for us as we walked forward into the unknown.  We discovered the presence of God was present in our future waiting for us to arrive. We also experienced the fulfillment of the words of hope spoken prophetically over our lives by the seasoned saints who had walked this path before us. Their encouragement became our invitation to come and taste the goodness of God.  These words of hope have no expiration date.  They reside in our future waiting to be grasped in faith and lived out.

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