I remember talking
with someone who had been educated in Cultural Anthropology. He described something called, “The God
Line”. As a missionary in Africa this
man used that culture to define for me what he meant. He said in African culture everything is
spiritual. Because all of life in Africa
is viewed as spiritual the God Line (where God is allowed to exist and
influence life) is positioned above the heads of culture. In Africa even the intellect of people is
subject to and positioned under the God Line. In these cultures, God is in
everything and not limited by anything. In Western culture, our God Line is positioned
below our head. If we have no logical
and intellectual definition for what is taking place we discredit its existence
by relegating what is taking place to a position beneath our ability to understand
its existence. In other words, if we cannot
understand it or define it, it must not be God.
I have people ask
me why they do not see more signs, wonders and miracles taking place in the
Western church. In these conversations, I
typically perform a subtle interview to determine where they have placed their
God Line. Moving the God Line up and over the top of our education and
intellect is a challenge for some who place great value on these things. In the West, we value only what we can
understand. We do this while quoting
verses that tell us the peace of God itself exists beyond our ability to
understand its presence. Maybe one of the reasons why so many people in the
West are not at peace is because they are waiting for the existence of a peace
that can be understood – above the God Line. Much of what God desires to bring into our
lives cannot arrive through the mind.
This is why the mind must be renewed and realigned to think differently.
Some people have
held themselves back from different forms of revival and visible manifestations
of the Spirit because their God Line was allowed to linger below their
minds. At some point, if this descent of
the God Line is not checked it will eventually move below our hearts and this
is where the Church can become lifeless and uncaring. This is where the Church can be reduced to a
form of good works and forfeit its belief in a God who is able to bring supernatural
intervention to problems the mind has dismissed as impossible to solve.
God is about to
release His Spirit upon the earth in profound ways. Those who allow their God Line to rise and
encompass all aspects of life will be free to move at the speed of faith when
the Spirit begins to manifest in unusual ways.
These new and usual ways of God will have no logical explanation and
will not be held captive to the capacities of human intellect.