Thursday, August 14, 2014

Spiritual Traction

Traction is different than momentum.  Traction gets your wheels moving and helps you sustain forward motion.  Momentum is something gained during traction, but is only maintained if traction continues to be supplied to the wheels.

It is too easy to live off of the momentum produced in a previous season. There is an accompanying illusion that your current momentum will be sustained indefinitely.  Spiritual traction is produced when you live in a moment-by-moment dependence on God. This kind of traction is required if you are going to move forward into the place of greater revelation God has destined for your life.

Your current momentum will eventually play out and leave you stalled on the roadside if you try to move forward without inquiring of God. Reengage the gears of your spiritual life and a fresh word of traction will come.  Obey this word and you will hear the screech of your spiritual tires as they once again take hold producing traction and a renewed forward momentum for a next leg of your journey.

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