Tuesday, July 16, 2013

“New Names for a New Season” by Garris Elkins

For the last few weeks the Lord has been speaking to me and saying that He is releasing new names for a new season. As I waited and listened to the Lord, He began to share His heart for His Church.

You are about to experience a name change. This will not be a change of your given name, but a name change in the Spirit. I am making this change so you will come into this new season fully defined for the work I am about to accomplish.

You will also carry with you new names to pronounce upon those who feel lost in hopelessness and disillusionment. When you speak these new names new seasons will be released. Rise up and begin to speak these new names and watch what I am about to do.

Some of you have allowed natural definitions to define and limit My work in your life. Make an exchange with Me.  Give Me the old names attached to defeat and a dreamless life and I will give you new names filled with hope and the promise of a future.

In this day, I am doing a name change among my people. As your receive these new names you will carry them into new territory. Rise up prophets and begin to prophesy new names to My people. 

         Where fatalism has stolen a future prophesy the name, “Hopeful One.”

         Where dreamers have stopped dreaming call them a “Dreamer of God.”

         Where people feel disconnected call them the “Redeemed of the Lord.”

         Where someone has been forsaken, declare the name, “Beloved.”

Just as My word entered the void and formless mass at Creation, so will your words spoken in My name accomplish the same creative effect when released into those who hear these words.  The unconnected elements in their lives will begin to form a new season when they assemble around My word.

Begin to rejoice like new parents naming a child yet to be born. Prepare to believe and dream again.  Begin to live in the expectation of greater things. I have given you a new name for a new season to do a new work.”  

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