Monday, June 17, 2013

“This is the Time” by Garris Elkins

I am sensing this is a time for the Church to discover, and for some to rediscover, the significance of where we are currently positioned in heaven, in Christ, at the right hand of the Father. In order to navigate what is before us we must first grasp this truth and believe it so that our belief becomes a lifestyle more than just a theological understanding of truth.

Today, many are experiencing the nipping, biting-at-your-heels work of hell trying to discourage them and this is causing some to give up. This is a time of spiritual warfare where our greatest assault on the enemy’s camp will be the refocusing of our lives upon the reality of who we are as believers in Christ. That refocusing is the conflict. This battle will be won when we realize where he has positioned us in heaven so we can live in victory now, not in defeat.

This morning, one of my former students, who is now living in his home country in Asia, wrote these words to me regarding a conversation he was having with someone at his church:

“She asked me in what ways I had received the things I asked of the Lord in a way that made prayer seem like it is a way that we ask the Lord to do things for us and I remembered Garris' book, Prayers from the Throne of God. I explained to her my view on prayer and how it changed my walk with Him and was surprised to hear that she had never thought of it that way. If there’s one thing I learned in my time in Anthem, its that I shifted my view on prayer from being on the receiving end to becoming a watchman, calling down what is in heaven that is not yet on earth and having faith that it is when it is not.”

This is a time for each of us to reconsider the great truth Paul wrote to the Ephesian Church – we are now, at this moment, seated in Christ at the Father’s right hand with all the works of darkness in submission under our feet. It from this position we are called to conduct the business of God’s Kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven.

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