Tuesday, March 3, 2009

"Watching What Cannot Be Seen" by Garris Elkins

I don't know how many times I have read Hebrews chapter 11 - the faith chapter - maybe a hundred times? Each time I savor it's truth. This morning I just finished reading it again. Part of verse 27 jumped out to greet me in a fresh way. The last part of the verse (in the NLT) said, in reference to Moses, "He kept right on going because he kept his eyes on the one who is invisible." I was stunned with the power of the words. "...he kept his eyes on the one who is invisible."

Like many places in the scriptures God asks His people to keep going even when they cannot see anything of Him in the natural realm. People of faith are seeing things that aren't there. Their progress is measured by their obedience to what is not seen.

The scriptures have many examples of this kind of lifestyle. Moses was blinded in the cloud of God's glory and was given direction for the nation of Israel. The children of Israel walked through hallways of water that blinded them to what was taking place around them as they crossed the Red Sea en route to the Promise Land. Peter, James and John were encased in a cloud on the Mount of Transfiguration and heard the invisible God speak. The early disciples huddled within the restricting walls of the Upper Room and then God showed up and empowered them to move out as the Church.

We keep moving forward in our life with God by keeping our eyes on "the one who is invisible." He is invisible because faith works this way. Faith is the line of spiritual sight that bridges the distance between what is not seen in the natural and what is "seen" in faith.

The next time you are asked what your assignment is for this season of life it may sound strange to some to hear you say that you are watching something that cannot be seen. But to those who understand the truth of Hebrews 11 they will most likely smile, nod in agreement and offer no words. Some things, like faith, can only be lived out because our words cannot adequately explain what we are looking at.

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