Recently, I read Breaking Christian News on Elijahlist and something caught my attention. The article was about a recent vote in the New York State Senate that confirmed marriage as a union between a man and a woman. The lead to the article was this:
"Advocates for same-sex marriage have attempted to portray their cause as inevitable. However, it has become clear that Americans continue to understand marriage the way it has always been understood...”
The word “inevitable” jumped out from the page. As I read this word I heard the Lord speak to me and say, “No work of hell can stand against My Kingdom under the definition of 'inevitable.' The only thing that is inevitable is My will.” When I heard those words faith began to rise within me.
The dictionary defines “inevitable” as, “unable to be avoided, evaded, or escaped; certain; necessary: an inevitable conclusion, that which is unavoidable. “ I don't like those definitions when it comes to the works of hell– not just for their meaning, but for what they can do to our faith. When we say that something is “inevitable” we remove the miraculous intervention of God from the scenario. When we slip into this mind-set we are no longer making choices to stand in the way of “inevitability” and say, “No!”
In 1990, when I first visited the old Soviet Union, it seemed “inevitable” that the USSR, then a world super-power, would live on forever in its current form. The reality from history is that the Soviet empire fell within months.
When Jan and l lived in Berlin we saw remnants of the Berlin Wall that stood as a separation between friends and family, East and West. The stone facade of that wall seemed immovable until one day in 1989 when that inevitable wall was torn down. Nothing is inevitable when God is at work.
This is a time for the Church to press through any walls of disbelief and resignation that comes when we begin to view anything as inevitable. Many followers of Jesus are weary – this has been a challenging time. In this weariness some have stopped praying for the sick in the face of what appears to be an impossible situation. The Lord shared with me recently that we are entering a season of first-fruits in miraculous healing. These first-fruits will come after the patients have been signed off to an inevitable end. This is not the time to give up and yield to inevitability.
The writer Hebrews in chapter 11, said, “It (faith) is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen.” When we begin to believe again that something is going to happen our attitudes and actions change. This kind of faith in the unseen realm is translated into prayers of faith that tell a spirit of inevitability to move out of the way because Heaven has come to earth.
Chapter 12 of Hebrews starts off with a “therefore” in verse one. “Therefore” means to consider what was just written. Chapter 11 described faith and those who lived by faith. Chapter 11 is glorious, and yet, this was the old covenant that was only a shadow of what we now live in because of Christ's resurrection. Verse one continues to say, “Therefore, ...let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily hinders our progress.” A mind set on the inevitability of sin and disease is a mind weighted down. A weighted life will eventually slow down and begin to live without the motion of faith and eventually come to a stop. We are called to strip off these weighted ways of thinking.
Hebrews 12:2 says that we hold this steady course of faith, “ keeping our eyes on Jesus.” our eyes are on Jesus, and not the apparent inevitable course of brokenness, sin and disease, miracles are possible because we are once again moving with the Spirit of God.
Cancer wants the church to resign herself to the“inevitable” conclusion of its action in a human body as always resulting in death. But some are seeing Jesus in the midst of all the pain and sorrow of this disease and they are beginning to pray in faith and people are being healed.
The current financial meltdown can cause a follower of Christ to resign themselves to believe the days of financial blessing, for the sake of God's Kingdom, are behind us. But some people are coming into new levels of supernatural provision in this current recession because they are seeing Jesus directing their financial steps for His glory.
People with clinically diagnosed mental disorders have entire families believing that their loved one is headed towards a life of inevitable mental illness and despair. But , as I write this I see the faces of a family I know whose loved one is coming into wholeness because they have begun to believe that with God nothing is ever “inevitable.”
The lie of “inevitability” results in the sense of resignation to the existing status quo and this hinders the Church from believing for more. When faith is pulled out of the equation, and fear settles in, this fear gives birth to resignation. Resignation does not take new territory. Resignation is stationary. takes us to a place of unbelief where acts of faith are no longer seen.
When resignation settles in we begin to believe that the disease cannot be avoided, so death is certain. We begin to believe the financial loss will continue to spiral down until we have nothing left so we begin making plans for a life of lack instead of abundance. Resignation causes a parent to believe that a mentally challenged child will never experience a renewed mind so they make plans to live in sorrow.
As I began to understand the implications of the word, “inevitability,” I began to get more stirred. I realized the implications of this word has slipped into the vocabulary of some in the Church. To whatever degree, some have been side-tracked from walking in their God-given authority of establishing His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. God is about to send unusual miracles to those who stand in faith and dismantle what has been called inevitable and impossible.
I looked deeper into the etymology of the the word “inevitable” - it comes from a the word - “evitable.” Evitable is defined as, “possible to avoid, avoidable – from a Latin word “to shun.”
How do we avoid being sucked into the vortex of “inevitability” thinking? This shunning of hell's sentence of death will cost us something. Our need to look socially and politically correct will go out the window when we take this kind of stance. We may lose a friend or even offend a part of the Church because we are believing for new territory. The Bible is filled with people who faced impossible and inevitable odds. These people overcame the spirit of their age by standing on the promises of God.
Abram dragged his entire family and all their belongings towards a land not yet seen. It appeared inevitable that Abram would be defined as a dreamer and a vagabond, but God changed Abram's name to Abraham and gave him descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky. Abram kept walking towards the promise and the promise became a reality.
Joseph offended his brothers and was sold into slavery. It seemed inevitable that Joseph would live forever as a slave, but God had other plans and promoted him to save a nation. Joseph kept making choices of integrity and those choices kept him aligned with the promise.
Young David seemed out-gunned and insignificant as he faced Goliath. It seemed inevitable that a shepherd boy would be destroyed in the presence of a well-trained and equipped giant, but God's anointed one cut off the giant's head. David ran towards the giant instead of running away and ran into the promise of kingship.
Elijah was in an impossible situation. It seemed inevitable that Elijah would fail because he was out-numbered by the prophets of Baal and the existing political structure wanted him dead. God had another plan. Everything changed when Elijah asked God to prove Himself and the fire of God fell.
Saul watched approvingly as he held the robes of those stoning Stephen to death. It seemed inevitable that Saul would continue to kill Christians, but God had other plans on the Road to Damascus. God turned Saul the murderer into Paul the Apostle. Paul took a step of faith in the blinding Light of God's presence and became one of the most significant people in Church history.
Peter denied the Lord and went back to his old life of fishing. It seemed inevitable that Peter would forever make a fool of himself and live in exile from the promises of God, but God met him and turned him into a man of rock-like faith. On morning while fishing Peter saw the Lord and swam ashore and ate breakfast with the One Who would restore his life.
The most important example is the Lord Himself. He was crucified like a common criminal and put into a tomb and it was inevitable to those who crucified Him that He would remain in the ground forever, but God had another plan. After three days He rose and left both the Cross and the Tomb empty and took His place at the right hand of the Father.
Nothing is ever inevitable when God is involved. When God asks you to stand before impossible circumstances that have been labeled as “inevitable” stand there in faith and begin to pray, prophesy, declare and decree what He is saying to you. Let your words change the atmosphere of your circumstances. Words of faith dissolve what seems to be inevitable.
If you are facing a circumstance that has been defined as “inevitable” fix your eyes on the One who has forever destroyed the works of the “inevitable” kingdom of darkness and trust Him.
God spoke to my heart and said, “Look at Me, and pray as you look. Let the things your realm declares as inevitable and destined for death become inevitability destined for life as they come under My authority. Pray believing and you will begin to see what I have planned. Belief comes from looking at Me. As you look you will see My will rise up before you amidst your pain and sorrow. There is a victory coming – it is inevitable.”